Re-Inspection Services
The home inspection report recommends that repairs be performed by a qualified professional. In an ideal situation, the repairs would be performed and invoices submitted to the client as adequate proof of correction. However, it is often the case that contractors fail to correct the issue properly or only partially, and/or do not provide adequate documentation. So as an additional service, the inspector will return to the home to evaluate the repairs and issue a report on the findings. The re-inspection service should not be viewed as an alternative method to verify repairs because contractor documentation is important. The inspector has no way of knowing if qualified contractors performed the work and if there are any expressed warranties to the work. As such, the client should always request proper documentation and warranties that may be included.
It is important to note that a re-inspection is an optional service and there is no guarantee that the inspector will be able to schedule the service within the time frame needed. It is often the case that there is a narrow window of time between the completion of repairs and the time of closing, so scheduling in advance is recommended.